We all knew time was running out for many of our dear 86-liners, but somehow it still feels too soon. Jaejoong's agency
C-Jes Entertainment recently revealed that the now 29-year old singer is joining the army to serve his two mandatory years, and fangirls all over the world shed tears of sorrow. That includes me too. It's hard to imagine a world without sexy Jaejoong selcas and awesome high-notes, and although I've been a fan for a relatively short amount of time I've grown massively attached to him.
Yoochun and
Junsu will probably enlist too after their individual ongoing activities, and then it'll probably be another three years til the next
JYJ project happens. Now all that's left to do is await the news of the other half of post-split
TVXQ, and I'm sure at least
Yunho will go later this year after their Japanese tour.
I hope he serves well and comes back healthy and happy.
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