The Wonder Girls are back! The formation is not the same as last time we saw them, but they have charged their batteries and prepared long and hard to deliver this comeback. Since the news of them returning to the scene came out I was wondering what they would do to prove themselves to still be a huge name in the industry, but I never would have seen a band concept coming.
With Sunmi on bass, Yubin on drums, Hyerim on guitar and Yeeun on piano, the girls were coming back as a band and judging by the sound of their individual teasers a pretty good one too. They didn't however take the rock-pop route but instead went completely retro, with a nostalgia sound more fit for the 80's with title track "I Feel You".
To match the genre of music they've chosen for this comeback they've clearly drawn inspiration from many of the MV's that were released during this decade, both in terms of fashion, scenography and visual effects. You can tell how much research and effort that has gone into this project, because they're not playing around here.
The authenticity and realism is impressive, and unlike other groups that have done retro-concept the Wonder Girls go all in. What makes the MV for "I Feel You" different isn't the fact that it has gathered inspiration from the past, but the fact that it was made to look like it was from said era. Sure, it's not convincing enough to make anyone believe it actually was, but the dedication alone pretty much makes up for the few flaws.
However the sexiness of the video is not restricted to the clothing only, as there are many different scenes that hint of sex and other kinds of adult content. I mean; the opening scene alone, with Sunmi literally inviting you into her pants by unzipping the fly of her shorts, says a lot about the level of maturity in this video. All of Yeeun's scenes are sizzling hot as well, as she's in her underwear touching herself sensually with a melting ice cube whilst singing about how she can still feel her lover's touch on her. There are also quite a few more sexually suggesting sub-plots that are subtle and not directly revealing but definitely loaded with ambiguity, considering the lyrics and the girls' sensual performances.
If that wasn't enough I also have to give huge praise for the scenography, as all the sets used are brilliant in different ways. I love the scene on which they dance and sing with their instruments, which by the way looks awesome as they've moderated their instruments to work with the synth-pop sound, and I love all the laser beams and stage effects that surround them as they perform.
Overall I have to say that this comeback has truly succeeded all my expectations. I wrote about this in my album review as well, but it bears repeating. The Wonder Girls have always been associated with retro concepts, but they've truly taken it to the next level with "I Feel You". The way they incorporated the instruments to fit the 80's synth sound was clever and the fact that they even made a choreography that actually works is more than impressive. All the members also look super hot, and Yubin specifically is the true MVP of this comeback; or more so her boobs. But honestly, they're all killing it and I'm just happy to see Sunmi perform again, whether it's alone or with the group.
There's not much left for me to say because the video leaves very little to complain about. It's not a perfect replica of a genuine 80's video but it doesn't have to be because it's freaking fantastic anyway.
Score: 4,65/5
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