So, I wasn't super excited about AOA's comeback and I still won't call myself a big fan of their music because Brave Brothers, but there's just something about them that makes me come back every single time. I didn't particularly like "Miniskirt" and although I liked "Short Hair" better it still didn't do it enough for me music-wise. This new song however, I LOVE.
The song, firstly. YES. It still has that familiar Brave Brothers sound that I almost always find extremely boring but this song is so much more interesting than any of their other recent songs. It has more of a spunky melody that's not at all as generic as one would expect, and already from the beginning you can tell that this song is heaps better than what they've released before. Sure, it's not fantastic and is still pretty common, but it's definitely a better type of common. And those "La la la's" are infectious like crazy and by far my favorite part of the song.
Of course, anyone can see that the main purpose of this video is not to serve a realistic, action-packed heist story, because their roles as thieves are neither believable nor realistic. Like, this kind of stuff doesn't happen in real life, and certainly not in those clothes, but I still think it's more interesting than a video with no plot whatsoever. However, I am furious about all the product placement. It's so obvious they're sponsored by this mobile game company that I can't help but cringe when members are being shown playing on their phones. Whilst breaking into a secret valve. Yeah, that happened.
The story is very unrealistic, yes, and the screen time is horrendously uneven, but for a fan it's still more than enough. I'm not even that big of a fan and I still loved it, because it's K-pop and it's not supposed to be too serious. The song is fun, the plot serves its purpose and the eye-candy is off the charts. There's no doubt in my mind that this is one of the prettiest groups out there, and I do think part of it is because of the styling and the makeup, because none of them really ever look bad. Well, I am still morning Yuna's long hair but apart from that there's nothing for me to pick on.
Song: 4/5
MV: 3,6/5
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