The first sub-unit of Infinite debuted a little over two years ago (it's crazy how time flies, guys) with a concept pretty much no one had ever associated with the main group: hip-hop. Still, it made perfect sense because both Hoya and Dongwoo are good enough rappers, and since they're also the group's best dancers and possess some decent singing skills, it would be stupid not to let them shine on their own. Seriously, if you have not one but two triple-threats in your group, you should allow them some alone time in the spotlight.
For being hip-hop, however, Infinite H chose a slightly more unexpected route. Well, for their title track at least. Although I really liked "Special Girl", both the video, song and Dongwoo's cotton candy hair, it felt a bit too cute in some aspects. The styling was kind of horrendous too but somehow I fell in love with it anyway, mostly thanks two Dongwoo and Hoya's tremendous talent and adorable charms.
For their comeback, it seemed they would stick with the light-hearted, fluffy type of hip-hop, and I did feel kind of unexcited about that. Don't get me wrong, I love these boys to death, but the impression I first got wasn't all too fascinating. When I finally watched the video however, I had never felt more pleasantly surprised.
Just like "Special Girl" the song is extremely lovey-dovey, which I guess is appropriate because Valentine's Day is coming up soon, but the way it plays out in the video is actually less so. The set up scenario for the video's plot is a trial featuring prosecutor Hoya, lawyer Dongwoo and the subject a.k.a. the "pretty" girl. Already the mood is tense between the two sides, as Hoya actually spits in his hand before slapping Dongwoo's away, and the arguing only intensifies as the girl remains completely neutral.
Not only is the plot gold, but there's so much comedy incorporated in the video I can't help but to put a silly grin on my face. Since everything is as exaggerated as it is, there's a natural funniness about, from their actions to their reactions. Merely seeing the duo interact and bicker is hilarious, because of their unique chemistry and individual personalities that allow them to play off each other, as well as making themselves look silly in front of the camera in a really funny manner. Other hysterical moments include Dongwoo stretching with the help of two shopping carts, Hoya climbing on top of the table and Dongwoo seeking comfort in Hoya after the girl's rejection.
As for the visuals of the video, I'd say there's definitely room for improvement in the styling department. Like with their debut, there's really no coherent theme to be seen and most of the clothes they're wearing are simply unflattering. It's not like they're bad looking guys, but they do look a bit funny here, and that's not in a good way. Additionally, Dongwoo's Confederate flag pants are huge miss from their management's side, and although they're changed in the video it's still feels a bit icky. I do love their haircuts though, and their faces are always nice to observe and admire.
To conclude this review, I will to say that I'm quite enjoying this comeback. The song is nice and smooth, the video is brilliant and I love how fun it looks like the duo is having. It's amazing how easy it is to tell how much someone is enjoying their given concept, and for Infinite H it's nothing but joy.
Song: 3,5/5
Video: 4,05/5
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